Don't know Where to start Azure follow here...

Hi Guys my name is Aj and i here to help you to get into Azure community and share my knowledge what i have and i will also be sharing all content that can help you with get things done.

First of all head to microsoft learn website and explore the options you have in azure and it is quite common starting things with most interest and in no time we again fall back and we forget where we started but the problem is you never coming back again here(azure learning). 

 Click here to start however the link is to azure fundamentals certification as well as you will have learning option of your choice and you have instructor led or free and use options based on your requirements and start there and it will take some good amount of time to complete and when you done you are already completed baby steps. 

So in this blog i am not sharing the content already there on microsoft learn but i would rather be sharing the important concepts and links, hope you guys started your journey into the cloud.


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